OUR VISION is a permanent, secure, and loving family for every child.
Eight million children live in institutions worldwide. 80% of them have living biological family members.
The reason? When mothers and caregivers face extreme poverty, illness, or social exclusion, they may feel compelled to give up their children as a life-saving act. But studies show that institutionalized children do not develop the secure attachments needed to form a healthy sense of self and trusting relationships. Instead, institutionalized children face lifelong higher risks of exposure to illness, abuse, and poverty compared with children raised in secure families.
That is why our programs protect families in crisis, restore vulnerable children to family, and strengthen communities through economic empowerment and education.
OUR MISSION is to bring vulnerable children into secure families, schools, and communities.
We prioritize child safety and permanency in a stable, loving family environment. That means: safety first, and family as soon as possible.
Since starting work in Africa in 1998, ACE has protected the lives and family bonds of thousands of children in Zambia and other African countries in our child welfare, family preservation, and education programs.
Children without families face lifelong risks. We help provide physical and emotional protection for children in crisis, reintegrate children with their biological family members and find alternate homes through fostering or adoption for children without available family.
OUR VALUES are the foundation that made ACE a global movement.
Local expertise and partnerships
We maintain 100% in-country staff and leadership. Local staff, indigenous churches, community leaders, and governments are integral to everything we do, from adoption sensitization to food distributions to primary schooling.
Families, not orphanages
We work toward family permanence through reintegration, fostering, and adoption.
Global alliance
NGOs, foundations, churches, and individuals from all around the world provide funds, program development, and support.
We believe that the best place for African kids is in African families.
Alliance for Children Everywhere has refined a paradigm for family-based care recognized by governments throughout Africa. Every day, ACE works through empowered local leadership and sustainable programming embedded in local communities to keep children with their families.